An Innovative, Interactive Knitting Experience
with String Theory Scarves and the DesignTO Festival

On January 24, 2019 we hosted String Theory’s “Supersymmetry”, in partnership with the DesignTO Festival (formerly Toronto Design Offsite).  

String Theory, a long time design partner of ours, produces scarves made from fabrics that they design and produce in small batches, in their own facilities in Québec.

DesignTO (formerly Toronto Design Offsite) is Canada's largest cultural celebration of art & design with over 100 exhibitions and events during Toronto's Design Week.

“Supersymmetry” invited visitors to create quantum connections in the form of knitted scarves, using an interactive pattern maker. The tool allowed visitors to design two scarves simultaneously, one by human, the other by a responsive algorithm, resulting in both a hyper personalized knit and its unpredictable reflection. In the spirit of halved friendship charms, pulling a thread will separate the scarf in two. The event also featured a designer talk, an exclusive pop-up shop-in-shop and a dramatic textile based installation.

Thank you to all of our friends, customers, and passers by for making the event such a pleasure to host.

Special thanks to Big Pig Production Co. for documenting.